Movies and popular culture teach us that relationships “just happen.” Either you’re in love, or you’re not. One moment it’s good, or even great - the next, it’s horrid.

You find yourself thinking things like,

”How did we end up here again?! Things were so good just a moment ago!”

“I wish I could do something about this”

It can be frustrating to find yourself looping in these experiences, wondering what you’re supposed to do to connect the way you really want to.

What will your life look like when you relate with ease?

Great news! Relationships don’t “just happen,” You simply need to do the work to understand them.

Relationships can be such a deep source of pain, and equally, an immense source of joy. They can be as destructive as they are healing, and so it’s about time that we learn to get it right!

Let’s face it. It’s impossible to be alive and avoid relationships. Whether it’s with family or friends, lovers or strangers, connection with other humans is unavoidable.

Healthy relating doesn’t mean always being happy together. It means being able to identify what is happening in relationship, and having the tools and awareness to steer them in the right direction.


✔ Bring harmony to the inner relationships so your outer relationships are based on healthy choices, rather than co-dependency. (The best kind of self-responsibility!)

✔ Forge powerful trust and deeper intimacy by breaking cycles. Identify unhealthy patterns to break toxic cycles and bring your relationship habits to health.

✔ Use your relationship as a tool for personal growth. Identify how to turn around difficult situations and learn from them.

✔ Experience The best communication ever! Have the big and difficult conversations with your loved ones in a constructive and connecting way.

✔ Find Shared Language to Communicate your emotions better. Feel the big emotions, shift your state and stay grounded when things are getting tough.

✔ Steer your relationship in a healthy direction. Avoid storms that are on the horizon because you can read the “relationship-weather’

✔ Have Healthy Boundaries. We’ve drawn up an amazing formula for healthy boundaries and how to navigate them clearly in relationship! It’s a total game changer.


Clear Communication
Shared Language
Powerful Trust
Emotional Well Being

Deep Intimacy
Healthy Boundaries
Growth In Relationships

The Vow is the most potent self development work I have encounted to date. It’s potency is in it’s simplicity, universality and how much Yana and Nyaniso have honoured this exquisite offering... from the content videos, to the level of passion and presence they bring to every live check in. I wrote pages and pages of absolute gold while taking in their teachings and always left our check-ins feeling affirmed and empowered in my path forwards. Not in a hectic hussle way either; but in a gentle, vibrant, vital way. What Yana and Nyaniso have created with The Vow, feels to me, what a playground might feel like to a child: It is a simple, structured foundation, designed to honour the development and playful spirit of any lucky soul that happens upon it. It’s like going down a rabbit hole, but instead of confusion, it’s ‘“ah-has” all the way through. Having these tangible, accessible tools, has been invaluable to every relationship in my life since and I am beyond excited for the next round!
— Ella





Take care of yourself, meet your own needs and fill your own cup.

❃ 2


Identify limiting beliefs that are still playing out to change them.

❋ 3


Understand how to use conflict to support your personal growth.

✿ 4


Learn the biggest conflict resolution technique we’ve found.


❀ 5


Understand the ins and outs of boundaries. How to name and navigate them.

✽ 6


Set up safe spaces to hold difficult conversations with grace.

✾ 7


Let big emotions move through the body in a healthy way.

⚘ 8


Return home to love and connection from any dark, difficult or upset space.

Chrissy Marie
I signed up for The Vow because I desired to refine my ability to marry Love and sovereignty in my intimate relationships. I was looking to learn new language, principles and tools for cleaning up my connections with both myself and others. I became more clear on how to communicate lovingly with others and bring ceremony into all parts of my world. I got what I came for. Both are so clearly in the practice of their principles, and their integrity, devotion and creative evolutions make for such powerful learning containers. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to deepen any of their relationships!
— Chrissy
Is this person the right person for me?” Was the question I would constantly ask myself. Not only in relationships, but also in music, and in business. Why were my needs constantly not being met? Learning how to put myself first and how to have a healthy relationship with myself is the foundation I needed to alleviate codependency, find space for music and art, and fulfill a much larger vision for myself. The wisdom of the vow is timeless and I receive new messages every time I listen to its whispers.
— Julia
Ashley Di
The tools and teachings of this offering are absolutely PRICELESS! This is not just for couples, it’s for anyone examining VOWs they have made in the past or those who are wanting to make in the future to life, to love, to business, to ANY success, make a VOW for you now. These upgrades have had amazing life long impacts on my and I am sharing these ripples with so many people. This VOW and this YES has been so powerful I’m going deeper and doing it for the THIRD time! Come. Come vow to love you. Come vow to choose you. Come vow to all you stand for.
— Ashley


➤ Cinematic Videos

We teach you by telling short stories, captured in a beautiful way that invites you to watch, listen and learn again, and again.

➤ Zoom Teachings (Recorded)

Watch the zoom teachings from Round 1 & 2 to gain the fullest teachings possible. These videos share real-world examples to support your learning.

➤ Task Sheets

Every module comes with a task sheet to support your journey. Apply the lessons to your own life and journey deep into your own transformation.

➤ Facebook Group

Share your journey, respond to prompts and ask questions in the Facebook group. We are available to support your process and encourage you to interact with others too.



Hi, We are Yana & Nyaniso Dzezde.

Nine years together, four years married with a beautiful baby girl.

Over the years we’ve had our fair share of ups and downs. We’ve overcome toxicity, betrayal and the hardships of long distance relating.

Once upon a time we were in a really dark place. Despite our undying love for each other, we struggled.

We both devoted to turning things around, we committed to finding the tools that would bring us to health. Our once toxic relationship is now one we are proud to share with the world.

The tools we share in The Vow are the very tools that we used to turn our relationship from struggling to incredible. To this day, we use these very teachings to maintain health in our marriage, and also to create strong connection with our clients and friends.

Sign up for The Vow with us, to commit to the discovery of healthy relationships.


  • Yes, absolutely! Every relationship starts with self and learning these tools will 100% support the relationship you have and wish to have with yourself, friends, family, strangers... and future romance. (If that's what you want!)

  • Have you taken time to understand why your partner doesn’t want to join? Open your curious heart and ask. Perhaps you’ll learn something new. Having said that, any time one person commits to finding greater health, it betters the lives of those around them.
    So in short, come and join in! It's not at all essential that you do it together.

  • Forever! Lifetime access and an invitation to engage with all future rounds at no extra charge!

  • Take these tools and play with them. Explore them with curiosity. We encourage you to always do this, not only with The Vow but with life at large. What we know is that the tools work, for us and for so many other couples we’ve helped. And they work for all kinds of relationships too.